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Award ceremony for the Prix Schläfli Astronomy 2020



Luogo della manifestazione

Observatoire de Genève
Chemin Pegasi, 51
1290 Versoix

Punto d'incontro

Observatoire de Genève

The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) has awarded the Prix Schläfli 2020 to the four most important insights gained by young researchers at Swiss universities.

Oliver Müller, Prix Schläfli 2020
Immagine: Eva Schnider

Olivier Müller has been awarded by the Prix Schläfli Astronomy 2020 for his demonstration about dwarf galaxies having not invariably chaotic motions, but could also orbit around the main axis of their parent galaxy in an orderly fashion.

  • Oliver Müller receives the SCNAT Schläfli Award 2020 for the best dissertation in astronomy.
  • Oliver Müller summarizes the content of his dissertation on dwarf galaxies.
  • Oliver Müller with the jury president Georges Meynet.
  • Oliver Müller receives the SCNAT Schläfli Award 2020 for the best dissertation in astronomy.Immagine: SCNAT1/3
  • Oliver Müller summarizes the content of his dissertation on dwarf galaxies.Immagine: SCNAT2/3
  • Oliver Müller with the jury president Georges Meynet.Immagine: SCNAT3/3


  • Formazione dei giovani talenti